Saturday, October 9, 2010

Copy For NEW USA WAR MACHINE! Ad Campaign (Part 3 of 3)


Two men wearing suits, preferably young father middle-management types (hedge fund types? I dunno, rich but not too rich, don't want to alienate people -Ed) walk out of the office to see NEW USA WAR MACHINE! in front of the building. First Man: "Woah, what is this?" Second Man: "I think that's NEW USA WAR MACHINE!- I'm pretty sure I saw an ad for this on tv the other day." First Man: "What does it do?" Second Man, rolling his eyes: "It kills terrorists, come on Mark, it's called 'NEW USA WAR MACHINE!,' what the fuck do you think it does?" First Man: "I think it'd be clearer if they called it 'Reaper' or something... How does this thing even work?" Second Man: "You put a quarter in it and watch it go." First man, after staring blankly at second man for a moment: "...You've got to be kidding me. You actually put a quarter in it?" Second man: "Absolutely, give it a try!"

Here we are again, flying over the Atlantic ocean, ready to watch NEW USA WAR MACHINE! decapitate a terrorist with live ammunition, or perhaps a hack-saw (let the dir. figure this one out with a location scout or whatever-Ed). First man, in voice-over: "I have a hard time believing that we've entrusted the war effort to an unmanned piece of shit that runs on quarters." Second man: "What, now you have a problem with capitalism? Dude, you work at a hedge fund/advertising agency/fortune 500 chemical company/lockheed martin (good call, we'll figure this one out later -Ed). Besides, you'll be converted as soon as you see what this sucker can do." First Man, watching as NEW USA WAR MACHINE! works its magic: "DUDE! OH MY- NEW USA WAR MACHINE! JUST BLEW UP THAT TERRORIST SCUMBAG! Man, you were right about this thing! War without people is fucking AWESOME!" Second Man: "We didn't think it was possible when we were kids during Vietnam, but I would just like to thank the president for making sure that my kids don't have to go to war anymore."

Voiceover, read to coincide with same copy in background: " 'NEW USA WAR MACHINE!,' 'Stay the Course,' 'War Without People,' and 'Hope' are trademarks of the United States government. Infringement could lead to your name's entry on a blacklist with no judicial oversight. NEW USA WAR MACHINE! currently only operates in Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, although it is rumoured to begin operating in Iran. The children of the poor may still have to go to war."

Do I detect a hint of sarcasm? This is starting to sound slightly subversive to me. Hopefully I won't have to turn you in to the relevant authorities, as they might lock you up for the next five to eight years without a trial if your name sounds sufficiently Muslim -Ed

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