St. Joan of Arc |
All Saints' Day, November 1st, is a fun holiday for Christians of all western denominations! Here at Splatitudes we've compiled a short of list of fun All Saints' Day costumes you could wear to your Hallows' Day office party, frat party, or mass.
Slutty Joan of Arc: All you need is a chainmail bra and a large pole to tie to your back. Anybody can be hot like Joan of Arc.
Saint Agnes: You don't have to be a virgin to dress up as this sexy little twelve year old martyr. Tie a little red ribbon around your neck and wear a skintight black leotard; all the guys go crazy.
Perpetua and Felicity: You and a friend dress up in tiny togas (be careful not to let too much show! Luckily, you can always go online and buy vatican-approved crucifix pasties if you're afraid of a little wardrobe malfunction) and walk a "wild beast" (a dog) around the neighborhood. People will ogle your faith! Don't forget to thank God when the wild beast tears the two of you apart.
Margaret Pole: So she's not technically a saint, and really didn't do anything all that great, but she has been beatified and the Catholic church considers her a martyr, so what the heck! Use ketchup to create 10-12 realistic looking gashes in your neck and shoulder area to represent the 10-12 times the last living member of the house of Plantagenet was struck.
Canonizations of J2P2: You and your entire sorority could dress up as the various saints canonized by John Paul the Second, although you're going to have to have a pretty big sorority! Options include Jeanne Delanoue, Paula Frassinetti, Magdalene of Nagasaki, Marina of Omura, Eustochia Smeraldo Calafato, Magdalen of Canossa, Clerla Barbieri, Agnes of Bohemia, Mutien-Marie Wiaux, Claudine Thevenet, Juana Fernandez Solar, Hedwig: Queen of Poland, Edith Stein, Agostina Livia Pietrantoni, Sister Faustina, Maria de Jesus Sacramentado Venegas, Maria Josefa of the Heart of Jesus Sancho de Guerra, Katharine Drexel, Josephine Bakhita, Teresa Eustochio Verzeri, Paula Montal Fornes de San Jose de Calasanz, Maria Crescentia Hoss, Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, Benedetta Cambiagio Frasinello, Josemaria Escriva, Angela de la Cruz, Maria Maravillas de Jesus, Urszula Ledochowska, Maria de Mattias, Virginia Centurione Bracelli, Paola Elizabetta Cerioli, Gianna Beretta Molla, and a ton of nameless Korean and Vietnamese martyrs, just to name the women! You could be "ironic" and dress up as the male saints canonized by John Paul II, but none of the frat boys will want you.